TC Electronic Skysurfer Reverb shortest gear review online

(1 review) Category: Effects-and-pedals

TC Electronic Skysurfer Reverb

Here are the reviews:

  by (10th Apr 2020)

Bought this cheap pedal on a whim to replace broken reverb-tank on my amp. Also I am fan of most of TC Electronics stuff so I did not even bother to read user reviews beforehand. What I wanted was just a basic reverb and feature list is pretty much spot on. The controls seem pretty weird for me, it is very easy to accidentally dial too wet reverb sound which drowns your original tone, but with moderate settings you can get a pretty nice basic reverb. My biggest gripe is that the pedal seems to lower the overall output of guitar signal when enabled, which is very annoying when playing with cleaner sounds with guitar volume rolled down. 

Best thing about it: Sturdy metal case

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TC Electronic Skysurfer Reverb

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